Triangles Verts
Triangles Verts (Detail)
Triangles verts (Detail)
Let Freedom Ring
Let Freedom Ring (Street View)
Let Freedom Ring (Detail)
Tumbling Joy
Tumbling Joy (Detail)
Maison et coeur-arc en ciel
Maison et coeur-arc en ciel (Detail)
 Maison et coeur-arc en ciel (Side View)
Falling in Line (From Lunar Kind series)
Falling in Line (From Lunar Kind series) (Detail)
Worn (Detail)
Worn (Detail)
The Squeeze
The Squeeze (Side View)
It's Immaterial, Products of Invisible Labor
It's Immaterial, Products of Invisible Labor (Detail, Side View)
It's Immaterial, Products of Invisible Labor (Detail)
It's Immaterial, Products of Invisible Labor (Detail)
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